



Participation in a consortium composed of numerous consulting firms to provide studies and recommendations on privatizing a government agency, providing legal solutions and procedures of the process of staff transition and the manner of dealing with situations of lay off, and setting legal options and alternatives to make lawful the staff’s transition, rights and privileges to the new entity.

Participation and providing legal advice in drafting of regulating a government agency, providing advice on policies and internal regulations of such agency, and preparation of staff’s contracts.

Engagement with a largest holding company in KSA, to develop the Human Resources, to draft employment contracts, internal work regulations as per the activity of each company, and preparing of internal work regulations allocated for each company and review of the forms made by the Human Resources to be compatible with Labor Law.

Successful preparation and execution of legal procedures of Acquisition and Merger process for a number of largest companies in KSA. 

Achieving success in litigation before Administrative Courts, relevant to projects’ contracting agreements and submitting appeals in order to cancel several administrative decisions relevant to fines imposed on our clients.

Achieving success in partition & distribution of financial and real estate inheritance for family entities.

Achieving success in many labor cases for many major companies in the KSA.

Achieving success in many cases of real estate and real estate contributions.

Achieving success in numerous cases related to contracting and contraction between companies or companies and administrative agencies.